Sea Wall Public Art
Years of graffiti and council cleaning
The Sea wall in Exmouth has always been a glorious place to set up camp for a day at the beach, but also a place to party at night. It therefore has been a prime spot for graffiti. This is exasperated by the habit of barbecuing on the sand and availability charcoal with which to express ones artistic tendencies.
Known as the Abode of Love the area was in need of some TLC.
Local community artist Anna Fitzgerald and myself were commissioned by Ruth Gooding of The Thelma Hurbert Gallery and East Devon District Council to work on the site but also gain the support of local people.
Anna’s block colour concept was approved and then work began engaging local artists, and creatives in the broader sense, to make contact. I produced the detailed design, artwork and planned the production. As this is the beginning of new phase in coordinating creatives and new design will be planned for next year, this design ends with the words,'to be continued…’
A selected list of local creatives will be invited to sign a square, much like the Stars on the streets of Hollywood, in recognition of the pool of talent residing in the town. Future plans were made to use the seafront space for events and performances and this art statement will be just the beginning of creative days to come.
That just left the problem of getting the design onto the walls…
The first five days, tested my ability, to paint straight lines.
However as the first two bays were completed and the sun shone on the striking colours we began to see what a great asset to Exmouth this will become.
My constant concern is that the work will be drawn over, before we have a chance to finish and take our final photos.
Volunteer helpers appeared from all over, including the beach.
Fast workers
Work in progress. First two bays completed, seven more to go.
Local residents and visitors enjoying the completed areas.
“I went and looked after the post about it. It is a bloody good job. It does make it look so great” Facebook
The Exmouth Colour Pallette
Social Media took off
There were a number of posts on local community pages, all with high levels of engagement. This one reached 402 likes!
This one, 478!
Very Nice.
A well used area now looking cheerful and inviting
Where will this project go next?
Ben Cornish, Performance Artist (on FB)