Coffee Shop Concentrations

Working freelance means working for your own company, with no-one but yourself for company.

I find i need a routine and I need company, even if I don’t know them or talk to them, just being in the same room as fellow humans is important to mental health. That’s why most mornings after a quick jog around the block with the dog, I head for a coffee shop. Depending on the job of the day and how I am feeling about life, I will choose from the many purveyors in the town.

My default is Nero’s many because of the chairs, comfy leather bucket seats, which can be arranged to suit different groups of companions. If I’m out early I might head for the local Wetherspoons, it’s a large space and I only stay if I can secure one of the private booths, the bonus being free top-ups.

If serious thinking time is required I like the second storey coffee lounge of the Ocean Building, it has huge windows over-looking the sea. The coffee is not the best but the view makes up for it. If I’m feeling a bit, you know, low, then a cozy sofa above the BookRest Bookshop and a thick creamy soya mocha can’t be beat. Infusions is littered with creative art, quite inspirational and good spot for meetings.

The new Cabin coffee shop is so tiny I don’t know how they survive, you often have to share a table being that they only have two, and a dog who will come and sit on your feet. The best coffee in town is from the Big Bear Coffee van but I save that for sunny summer days.

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Cartoons, Illustration, and all that